React Input Toggle

A collection of customizable, attractive and accessible toggles build with React.

Why Use this?

Heres a few scenarios:

Tap your space bar. The focused toggle changes. Submit the simple ajax form example and look at the console output data changes form data

  • Tap your space bar. The focused toggle changes.
  • Submit the simple ajax form example and look at the console output data changes form data


React Input Toggle is most easilily installed as an npm package

npm install --save react-input-toggle


Each effect is definined using sass variables which can be overridden as necessary. Take a look at the top of each effect's commented sass file for what can be modified. Ex: Lima's

Properties Reference

This component only requires a few properties, effect, labelPosition, and label. All other props such as checked or onChange follow the same conventions and logic as any standard react form component. I.e. if you create a Toggle with a checkedprop of true then it's checked state will always be true. This is known as a controlled component. See the react docs for further details.

Since a Toggle follows the same interface as a standard react <input type="checkbox"> any event handlers such as onChage, onFocus, etc. have the same function signatures as a standard react input. Additionly, props such as disabled, data-*, etc will correctly be passed down and be applied to the underlying input component.


  /* making a controlled component, passing down custom attributes,
  setting default check state, event handlers, etc */
  <Toggle checked={false} data-myattr={'attr'}
    defaultChecked={false} onFocusCapture={this.func}  >

Custom Properties
Property Type Default Description
effect string sierra The style this element will take on.
labelPosition string left The prefered position of the label. Will collapse to top or bottom if there is not enough space available. (uses flexbox layout model)
label string '' Text to be shown in the label.